Friday 12 August 2011

A long journey~ x.x

pek cek...
so much things happen!
如此狼狈~ omg...
working selling Maxis broadband ...(btw,,still nid wear the Maxis's green t-shirt-so Big!= =)
haiyo...use butt think also noe..
green road or 3 miles thr whr got customers..

don noe wat the boss thinking...NOOB! -____-
nobody able 2 take out RM100 for buying a broadband beside the road rite?

if wanna buy also buy at the proper shop...such as The Spring!!
shademade..>< i wan work at thr la.....
soi lo 2day.....go here n thr~ wasted my time..
thx to Edmund liew also la...----------------->好介绍... ><|||

they say we work till 6pm,,
but 4 smth ady can let us bak...
coz not even one broadband can be sold -.-
after that baru kang ko arh....><
shademade again...
i tell the wat calvin de ppl say i wanna go home..
then he said wan go e-mart first..WTH!== around Matang thr arh...
i wanna go Kch Fest la...T.T...ady promised my friends! then how?~
ish! then i start waiting....
Opps! nope! is waiting at one jaya first baru go e-mart..
what the@*%#...!
waiting around 3 hours baru go thr...O.x
then on the way home...soi soi the car 抛锚!
what the....
so dangerous man!
high way charm arh...i think will accident arh..
me so kin teo...
Edmund liew parents so good :)
 thx them fetch us go kch fest meet my frens~ XD

2day so tired! gonna ong ong ady....nite! zZZZ(-.-)

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