Tuesday 31 May 2011

a mixing day! [The spring]

Yesh!!! finally! my daddy allowed me to drive his car! happy ^^ ...starting from airport road to The Spring shopping mall~ that's exciting !! although i feel a bit scary and nervous~ LOL...well, i had drive his car safely and park nicely to The spring! Woots! :D
Today not really have a fun day..=/
watching Kung Fu Panda II , singing Karaoke, shopping with mom...
i think 2day i had make a wrong mistake! should not ask ppl going out when i shopping with my mom!>< haix...the biggest mistake is asking friends going out when already promised another friend!!! sigh! i did it by 2day!! WTH i'm thinking???!!! idiot me! ish!! =( hurt friends only! sorry guys!!! i realized my mistake....forgive me...='(

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