Tuesday 31 May 2011


今天我心里真的觉得很不安,感觉做错事情一样!我知道是我太多嘴及不冷静惹的祸!放了两个人的飞机(其实也不算=.=) 我真的很对不起他们!我错了...=(


a mixing day! [The spring]

Yesh!!! finally! my daddy allowed me to drive his car! happy ^^ ...starting from airport road to The Spring shopping mall~ that's exciting !! although i feel a bit scary and nervous~ LOL...well, i had drive his car safely and park nicely to The spring! Woots! :D
Today not really have a fun day..=/
watching Kung Fu Panda II , singing Karaoke, shopping with mom...
i think 2day i had make a wrong mistake! should not ask ppl going out when i shopping with my mom!>< haix...the biggest mistake is asking friends going out when already promised another friend!!! sigh! i did it by 2day!! WTH i'm thinking???!!! idiot me! ish!! =( hurt friends only! sorry guys!!! i realized my mistake....forgive me...='(

Monday 30 May 2011


In the afternoon on 27/05/2011
"The house of pets"
(jin jie working at there) =p
teehee.....~ cute la tis muffin! hope can bring it back home! 

muffin smiling!!!!! OMG!! cute indeed!!! 

muffin start to be emo~ 
muffin says: >< u ady hug me for a long time..pls get me down ~

me ♥ things ~

heheeee...XD .. i love my rocker high heel !! ♥♥♥

This mic suit me! ♥♥♥

purple high heel boots so nice indeed!!!!♥♥♥
I ♥Angry birds

                                                                    George ♥♥♥

I ♥ Domo
                                                    **my name is Domo~! ** cute sii arh!! >< ♥♥♥

Sunday 29 May 2011

答应你以后不会轻易掉眼泪了~ =')

frm: ur B

i love my cake! ♥

Hello Kitty cake!!! ~ 
thx jin jie! love u.... :) 
and thx all my frens that celebrate with me! 

Never blame any day ...

Never Blame any Day in Your Life.
Good Days Give you Happines.
Bad days Give you Experience.
Both are Essencial in Life.

very H.O.T !!!

The weather these few days very hot indeed!!! even i bathed 4 times a day also can feel the heat! haix~! >< everyone must drink more water.....=) if not,will hot till stomachache like me! T.T
hope can go swimming~ eating ice-cream!! yummy~~ :D

Woohoooo~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ** Lets rock n roll through tis SUMMER ! -.- **   <------------------being crazy!

Saturday 28 May 2011


[27-28(12am)/2011] (my birthday) :)
*很感谢我的好sista[]帮我计划我的生日~还有一群朋友[Alex, pok , izaac, phiaw,jolie,nick,damien]百忙中还抽空愿意花时间在我身上,感谢+感动!!T.T...
谢谢hello kitty 的蛋糕!我很喜欢
还有一些不能出席的朋友也同样感谢你们!!=)...[emer!! thankyou~;) ]
++phiaw: 谢谢你自己录给我的那首歌~我很喜欢,也很感动!T.T...我会一辈子珍惜的~


part 2: 下午的时间真的很不快乐!=(.. 我有很多以为,真的很多以为!以为让我更加的失望.....加上我最看重的人既然也是那种态度对我,生气,伤心,当然最多的是失望..=/...我不是没人约才要受这种委屈的!后悔死了...生日流眼泪应该是正常的,可是,我流眼泪是因为有过多的失望(大街上那么哭,真的很丢脸!!)><
*谢谢tracy , alvin ,和家豪送的礼物,很喜欢*
*还有谢谢Edmund liew 给我的安慰!*=D


Thursday 26 May 2011

L . ♥ . V . E

If I am pressed to say why I loved him, I feel it can only be explained by replying: Because it was HE; because it was ME.
**when we could be like this?**
hahaha..... :3 
~Today I caught myself smiling for no reason... then I realized I was thinking about YOU!~ ♥

Wednesday 25 May 2011


** i always think back that night again and AGAIN.... feel EMO...that hurts alot when u say u emo too**

**I didnt want to admit it ,
It was easier to lie,
and hide the hurt and emptiness,
To smile instead of CRY.... :')**

单调~ 囧!

我觉得啦~我的blog太过单调 了...应该可以加加一些特别的东东..还有,本人的照片也还未公开 ;p.
尽请期待yo~ coming soon XD


yohor~ =p..终于开张了使用华语!虽然拼音难找,但是还是想支持下华文。呵呵....
heheee...=D 在这么炎热的天气!i enjoying..........♥ ♥ ♥
                                                              ♥  mixed fruits ice-cream ~ yummy!! 

chocolate cake ~~♥

超级享受 Enjoy!!!!!!!
lastly, i enjoying a glass of watermelon juice..
OMG!!!!♥ reli nice one~
Gosh! my tummy full..!!.......gonna slp ady...zzz(-.-)


Tuesday 24 May 2011

♥ the photo i like d most with my buddies~ =)

* first time dat all sista gather~hehee..XD..we having our Starbucks drinks in Big Apple!!
jin..Emer..janice..and me ♥

A new beginning .. A new LIFE ♥

hahaha.....first time writing a blog..I feel nothing..LOL..
Enjoy first writing my blog with a nothing and a bit exciting! teehee..:D