Monday 20 June 2011

assignment! ♥

 I started my uni life~ i think not bad than wat i think b4~ :p
at least now i have some of my chinese girl friends! so must be glad..=)
my assignment is about business..nid 2 create a company! hehee..XD..what we sell? ICE-CREAM!!    

" The Royal Cute Ice "
can i choose tis ice cream as my company logo ?
tis one??
tis one??

Cute izit??    :p

not only dat!
i also wanna edit a crown on it..

or ....tis one??

not only dat,, every customer will get a 
free ice cream key chain
with any purchase~!   
nice right?? ^^ 

each of the ice cream we sell..XD

our ice cream machine! :p 

biscuit ice cream! tis is our new creative idea! XD

hope i can done it as well! =D

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